I was talking to a friend the other day who I had not seen all since autumn. She had spent some time away, where it was warm, but for most of this long, cold winter, she was in Milford. As I’m a trainer and a fitness instructor, people often want to discuss what they are doing to stay in shape, or what they are not doing. As we talked about the success the studio was having and how happy she was to see so many people enjoying what has been built over the last two years, she said, “As soon as it warms up I’ll be back in class.”
Weather or not this is true is not the point of this story . The point is, that in my job I hear them all. Once I was even told that a client could not make it to a training session because she lost her lizard in the wall.
Yes, I’ve heard them all. And I understand. Most people who do not want to do something, regardless of what it is, will create a viable reason in their mind that allows them to put off, sometimes indefinitely, what needs to be done the most.
Yes, it’s called procrastination and we’ve all done it–even me. One of the aspects of overcoming procrastination that I have read, and re-read when researching this piece, was the recommendation that people dive into what they don’t want to do. The military even has a phrase for doing what we most fear: “Hugging the Monster.”
So how can you over come your procrastination? What’s the first step to diving into something we don’t want to do or don’t know how to start? When it comes to REALLY making the decision to look great and be healthy, isn’t it easy to join a gym for $10 per month, climb on the stepper and believe that something has been accomplished?
But has it? Are you in the shape you want to be in because you have a gym membership?
If the answer to that question is yes, stop reading.
But if the answer to that question is no, and you have made the decision that you want a change; you want to look great; you want to lose 20, 30 or even 50 pounds; if you’re ready to wrap your arms around your fear and hug the monster, then read just a little more
Since you’re reading this now, I will assume that you want to make a substantial change in your life. You want to lose that weight. You want to look at yourself in the mirror and like what you see. You want to follow your doctor’s advice to lose weight and cut the risk of hear-disease, or diminish the chance of adult onset diabetes. Congratulations. You’ve taken a big first step. Now, here’s the tool you can use to push through your procrastination: Schedule a Consultation.
A free consultation is the one tool that squelches all the excuses. It gives you a stepping stone into a new life and a new you.
During the Consultation you will:
- Visit the studio and be inspired.
- Learn about the classes offered at Jen Murphy Fitness.
- Discuss your goals and what you want to accomplish.
- Choose the classes you want to attend.
- Pick your start date!
To follow through and schedule your one-on-one consultation, just select the button below, complete the form and you will be on your way.