Happening this week at Jen Murphy Fitness
Happy Sunday everyone and hoping you had a great weekend. So much going on this week at The Studio for toddlers, kids and adults.
Don’t forget we have new 30 Minute Express Classes Wednesdays and Fridays. You’re in, you workout and you’re gone!
Kids Yoga and Art Classes for ages 6-12! Instructor Jen Ferdinandsen.
Classes run from 5:30pm- 6:45pm every Thursday night for 8 weeks beginning September 19
This unique class incorporates creative exercises and games including yoga and dance to help your child connect with their right brain, focus and let loose! . The cost of the class is $115 per child and includes all supplies. Families signing up more than one child pay only $100 per child.

Mommy and Me, Meet and Greet
Tuesday September 17, 11:30 a.m.
Miss. Darci is holding a Meet and Greet for her Mommy and Me Explorers Group. Kids ages walking to 3 years are welcomed into a class filled with activities and games that promote positive peer interaction. The FREE meet and greet will be held in the back room.

Zumba Dance Party
Friday September 20th from 6:30pm-7:30pm
For Adults and Kids: Come help support our March for Babies fundraiser by dancing the night away with the area’s most energetic Zumba instructors! No dance experience necessary. Felicia, Cris, Jen F, Amanda and I will have you sweating for a great cause with easy to follow moves and songs you can sing along to. The cost is $5 at the door and if you’ve already donated to the cause it’s FREE!
Start your weekend off with a healthy dose of fun that will benefit more than just your body!
Weight Watchers
Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m.-6 p.m.
Finally if you missed the first Weight Watchers meeting last Tuesday, you can still join this week. The cost is $80 for the 8 week session and meetings are held every Tuesday in the back room.
*Interested in keeping up with everything going on at The Studio? Be sure and Like us on Facebook.
Have a fabulous week!
See you in class!