What’s Happening at Jen Murphy Fitness
Silver Sneakers has Come to Milford, Pennsylvania
Drumroll please! Jen Murphy FItness is now an official Silver Sneakers location. Beginning October 29, Jen Murphy Fitness will be offering Silver Sneakers Classic classes on Tuesdays and Fridays from 10:30am-11:15am. Cost is FREE for eligible participants with the Silver Sneakers benefits.
Have fun and move to the music through a variety of exercises designed to increase muscular strength, range of movement and activities for daily living. Hand-held weights, elastic tubing with handles and a SilverSneakers ball are offered for resistance. A chair is available if needed for seated or standing support.
To learn more about Silver Sneakers, and check your eligibility click the logo below.
Not eligible for Silver Sneakers? No problem. Anyone of any age can participate in the class for $10 per class, $80 for 10 classes or $55 per month unlimited classes (anything on the schedule).
Karate at Jen Murphy Fitness
Hidy Ochiai Washin-ryu Karate comes to the studio. Classes run Mondays at 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 11:15 a.m. beginning Saturday November 2. Cost is $75 per month with discounts for two or more participants from the same family. A $25 discount for the first month is available to new participants. Instructor Scott Hawthorne is a Fifth Degree Black Belt in Washin-ryu, has trained for 29 years under Master Ochiai, and is a Certified Washin-ryu Branch Instructor. Hidy Ochiai’s Karate offers traditional Japanese martial arts at its highest level, founded no the principles of Budo (the martial way) respect, honor, and self-development. For more than 45 years Master Ochiai has taken a holistic approach to martial arts practice that guides students to realize their potential. Essential to the mental and physical training in Washin-ryu is the comprehensive practice of self- defense which is found in traditional Japanese Martial Arts training. For more information please contact Scott Hawthorne at 570-686-1343 or HidyOchiaiKarate@live.com.
Halloween in Milford, Pennsylvania and a Schedule Change
Halloween is Thursday! Due to the increased population of witches, zombies, princesses and cartoon characters to Milford on October 31st, there will be NO AFTERNOON OR EVENING CLASSES. The studio will be open for pottie breaks, warming up of cold little ones, snacks and of course, the showing off of costumes. If you’re in the neighborhood, stop in!
It’s crazy how fast October has flown by. Bring on the Holidays !
See you in class!