Today is not another day
It’s never just the words they say
Its how we work and how we play
The friends that hold me when I cry
The sun that brightens a perfect sky
A rainy day to get things clean
Something new I’ve never seen
A much-needed hug I love how that feels
A night on the town in fabulous heels.
Watching my friends and my family grow stronger
The list in my head grows longer and longer
For these are some things with which I am blessed
In this month I’ll be grateful no matter how stressed.
It can be so easy to get caught up in the wants and needs of the Holidays. Although it is okay to wish for something amazing, its more important to step back and be grateful for everything that we already have in our lives. Healthy families, food, a warm bed are things that we forget to remember. Though everything isn’t always perfect, and at times can be quite horrible, there is always at least one positive thing in our life at that moment and we should be grateful for that part. Take the time this month to look around and appreciate all the positive things in your life.
I am grateful for all of you and so much more.