Relieve stress, Get flexible, sculpt muscles, prevent injuries, push your limits and calm your mind in a non-competitive environment… your yoga mat.
We’ll bring ease and openness to tight muscles and improve focus, balance & clarity by learning and practicing yoga postures, breath work and meditation.
We’ll work from a beginner’s perspective and build personal practices on all levels.
Men’s Yoga
Mondays: 6 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Jen Murphy Fitness Yoga Studio
Instructor: Eileen Rachelson
Eileen Rachelson has been instructing yoga classes for 10 years. She has taken certifications and immersions in Kripalu style Prana Yoga (very gentle) and Anusara Yoga (very athletic,) Restorative Yoga and Yoga Therapy (healing) and Meditation. She’s currently working on a 500-hour course of study through the Himalayan Institute.
A Note from Eileen:
“I love taking the mystery out of yoga. Providing the stepping stones necessary to achieve each of the postures is my passion. Additionally, helping others find the physical, emotional and spiritual comfort, along with the peace and clarity I have found through my yoga practice, is my life’s devotion.
“My objective has always been to make yoga safe and easy to understand. Although no one would expect to play a piano concerto after one lesson, with steady practice come surprising results in yoga. Starting at any age works, and working through one’s issues on the mat is always a healing and transformative experience.”